Pterodactyl (ter-ə-ˈdak-təl) by Brian Lewman

 The Pterodactyl (winged lizard) had a wingspan of up to 40 feet wide. There were also smaller types of Pterodactyls that could be as small as a seagull. Wings were very important to the Pterodactyl because he lived mostly near the water. Their ability to fly helped them catch fish and to get away from predators.
 They lived 145 million years ago, in the Cretaceous Period. "Pterodactyl fossils have been found in America, Europe, Africa and Australia" (Mantyweb).
Their bones were hollow, just like birds! (Wikipedia). Pterodactyls made roosts high above the ground on cliffs or in the tree-tops.  Their eggs are a lot like the reptilian egg of today. The eggs had leathery skin.

The diet of the Pterodactyl consisted of fish, insects and small animals like lizards. That makes him a carnivore! The Pterodactyl hunted at night in order to catch its prey off guard. Its sharp talons were used to catch its prey. With its really good eyesight the Pterodactyl was able to pinpoint a fish’s location under water from high above in the air. The Pterodactyl’s long mouth allowed it to scoop up the fish with one dive. The Pterodactyl was a great hunter. With these special abilities and with flight, it was able to fly away from its natural predators.

Here is a link to a Pterodactyl coloring page.


FUN FACT: "Pterosaur fossils have been found on every continent" (Wikipedia).

MantyWeb.com. (2004-2008). Dinosaur Time Machine: Pterodactyl. Retrieved April 29, 2011 from
Wikipedia. Pterosaur. Retrieved April 29, 2011 from