Stegosaurus (STEG-uh-SAWR-us) by Laura Ammann

Stegosaurus means "roof-lizard" (Wikipedia).
The Stegosaurus lived about 150 million years ago, during the Late Jurassic Period.
He was an herbivore, which means he ate plants.
He had plates on his back that scientists believe helped control his body temperature. He had spikes on his tail to protect him from enemies. He was big, but definitely not the biggest. He was about 30 feet long and 14 feet tall (Wikipedia).The Stegosaurus weighed about the same as a hippopotamus or small pickup truck. The average elephant is bigger than a Stegosaurus!
Some scientists believe that the Stegosaurus had two brains!!!!! They think the second brain in his hip area might have controlled his legs and back end (Wikipedia).

Here is a link to a coloring page of the Stegosaurus!

FUN FACT: The Stegosaurus is the official state fossil of Colorado (State Symbols USA)!

Wikipedia. Stegosaurus. Retrieved April 26, 2011 from
State Symbols USA. Colorado State Fossil. Retrieved April 29, 2011 from